RCC CLUB キャンペーン

ひろしま戦前の風景57「第九師団の出兵記録 昭和七年」より

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ストリームの種類 ライブ
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  • チャプター
  • ディスクリプションオフ, 選択済み
  • サブタイトル オフ, 選択済み

      昭和7年(1932年)2月6日-10日 提供:石川県立歴史博物館 広島市南区宇品海岸ほか
      参考資料:「ヒロシマの被爆建造物は語る」広島平和記念資料館 1996年
      Filmed February 6–10, 1932 (Showa 7)
      Original film courtesy of Ishikawa-ken History Museum
      Ujinakaigan, Minami Ward, Hiroshima City, and other locations
      The 6-minute, 15-second documentary film records the 9th Division of the Imperial Japanese Army traveling from Kanazawa to Hiroshima, where they departed from Ujina Port for deployment following the Shanghai Incident of January 28, 1932. The 9th Division was composed of personnel from Ishikawa and neighboring prefectures, and Kanazawa City hosted many associated military facilities. The footage shows soldiers crossing Kyobashi, a steel bridge built in 1927 on the national highway. The bridge survived the atomic bombing and served to convey evacuees and relief services.
      Reference: Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, Architectural Witnesses to the Atomic Bombing—A Record for the Future (1996)




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