撮影:吉岡信一氏 提供:広島市公文書館 庄原市東城町
この映像は広島市在住の撮影者が、現在も続く老舗旅館「角屋」や旅館前の太鼓橋、「自動車乗り場」「賽の河原」「名勝指定地域 内務省」などの看板、ボンネットバス、遊覧船などを撮影しており、名勝指定後、観光地として賑わいを深めた帝釈峡の様子がうかがわれる。
参考資料:東城町史第六巻 東城町 1997年
Filmed circa 1940 (Showa 15) by Shinichi Yoshioka
Original film courtesy of Hiroshima Municipal Archives
Tojo-cho, Shobara City
Taishakukyo (also known as Taishaku Valley or Gorge) is a ravine visited since ancient times as a place of scenic beauty and worship. It stretches from what is today Tojo-cho, Shobara City, to Jinsekikogen-cho, Jinseki-gun. In 1923 it was designated as a Place of Scenic Beauty by the national government under the Historical Sites, Places of Scenic Beauty, and Natural Monuments Preservation Law. The footage, recorded by a Hiroshima City resident, shows Taishakukyo after its tourism was given a boost by the designation. Recorded are the long-established inn Kadoya, which is still in business today, the arched bridge in front of the inn, signs that read “Car boarding point,” “Sai-no-Kawara Cavern”, and “Designated Place of Scenic Beauty, the Home Ministry,” bonnet buses, and excursion boats.
Reference: Tojo-cho, Tojo-cho-shi [History of Tojo Town] Vol. 6 (1997)