撮影:上西寛之助氏 提供:上西功一氏/広島平和記念資料館
次の映像は紙屋町交差点を南から望んだもので、交差点内にある丸屋根の建物はポイント操作員詰所兼乗客の待合所。 電車通り沿いの商店に横縞の幕が張ってあるのは祭りのためと思われる。
参考資料:「大正時代の広島」 広島市郷土資料館 2007年、中国新聞 2011/01/23発行
Filmed 1928 (Showa 3) by Kannosuke Kaminishi
Original film courtesy of Koichi Kaminishi and Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum
Hon-dori, Naka Ward, Hiroshima City, and other locations
The initial cut shows the Hiroshima Prefectural Products Exhibition Hall (Industrial Promotion Hall). The next cut is a view of Kamiya-cho intersection from the south, showing in the middle a domed-roof structure which sheltered switch operators and passengers. The screens with horizontal stripes installed in front of shops lining the tram road indicate that a festival was underway. The festival in question was the Hiroshima Shokon-sai, which was held annually either in spring or autumn at the Western Drill Ground (area north of today’s Kamiya-cho intersection), and was a major event in pre-war Hiroshima City.] The footage subsequently records a military parade by the 5th Division, apparently held during the festival. Early models of tanks are also shown, following infantry and cavalry processions.
References: Hiroshima City Museum of History and Traditional Crafts, Taisho-jidai no Hiroshima [Hiroshima in the Taisho Era] (2007); Chugoku Shimbun (January 23, 2011)